What People Often Get Wrong in their Meditation Practice.

In a recent 1-1 meditation coaching session, my enthusiastic client wanted to:

  • stop her thoughts

  • push thoughts away

  • control what she was thinking

We discussed that:

  • The nature of the mind is to have thoughts and trying to stop thoughts in your mind is like telling a river not to flow, it’s impossible, counterintuitive and ineffective

  • Pushing thoughts away creates tension and agitation, which is the opposite of what we want to achieve. Instead, we welcome or invite ALL thoughts forward, strengthening awareness as we watch them come and go

  • While we can not control the mind*, we can become aware of the mind and its contents by observing ourselves through non-judgmental and compassionate eyes, (forget black and white thinking, ex. good or bad, right or wrong)

Initially, our main goal is to remain neutral while we witness anything that arises within ourselves. In the next stage, we then practice discernment, which is the ability to judge well. We learn how to gently guide the mind with new useful patterns of thinking, which’ll create new habits of behavior that are beneficial for your life.

This is an example of mindfulness meditation in theory and practice.

The mind could be your biggest enemy or your best friend.

Understand your mind in a compassionate manner and befriend it with all its flaws.

Instead of your mind being an obstacle, your mind can become a powerful tool aiding you in this journey of life.

But, you just need awareness and it just needs a little training and gentle guidance.

How are you training your mind?



Hi, I'm Rebecca Michelle - Private Meditation Coach for personal growth and development!  If you want to learn how to make your mind a powerful tool in your life, then let’s work together - complete this form to start the process and let’s chat about the option best for you.

*Ironically, the more you try to control your mind, the less control you have over it. Let’s work together and learn better ways to mange your mind <3


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