What People Often Get Wrong About Meditation

A lot of people think a lot of things about meditation, often misunderstanding it’s practice and goals. Here are the five biggest misconceptions that I’ve come across that you may have thought to be true.

  • You’ll only have happy, pleasant or positive thoughts

In meditation, you'll come across all different kind of thoughts. It's important to become aware of all thoughts in the space of the mind, and not just the ones you like or prefer. Also, it's important to not identify with thoughts as they arise. This'll help you prepare for the advanced stages of meditation.

  • You're not supposed to have thoughts or your mind should be blank

The nature of the mind is to think and have thoughts so it's counterintuitive to stop thoughts or push them away during your meditation practice. Remember, WHAT YOU RESIST, PERSISTS. Instead, become good at observing your thoughts as they arise so you could go beyond them. Practice inviting them forward, watching them come and go and build the capacity to discern.

  • You'll feel amazing during meditation and after meditation

For the majority of the time this is true. However, some days your practice will just stink and it's important to make space for these lackluster sessions. Also, know that meditation puts us in contact with suppressed emotions and we normally suppress the not-so-good ones. These repressed emotions will surface on a conscious level in your practice and while it may not feel so great for a little while, eventually you'll feel better and even a sense of relief. Now, this emotion is free and no longer festering within you. Remember, FEELING IS HEALING.

  • You’ll have a mystical experience

While this could happen, it's not the norm. I've meditated for countless hours and only had a few experiences that I couldn't explain. But, what will usually happen is you'll begin to understand yourself on a deeper level, you'll feel less influenced by the outside world and you'll begin to manage difficult experiences better than before.

  • Meditation is only for stress and anxiety

Meditation will definitely relieve stress and anxiety. However, it'll also help you regulate your emotions, boost your confidence and improve your personal relationships. Furthermore, your attention, focus and concentration become super sharp so you'll be less likely to make mistakes. Meditation can even help you achieve your goals more efficiently as you'll become more intentional. So, what are you waiting for?! ;)

Do you believe in any of these?!

I’m guilty of thinking it was going to be a mystical experience 24/7. Instead, it’s been an eye opening journey into the subtle layers of myself that has allowed me to develop self-compassion, connect to inner wisdom and discover true joy.

I also thought my mind was supposed to be clear or free from any thoughts during my practice, but anyone who has tried meditation, understands this is far from reality! This is where real meditation begins; when we observe things as they are and not how we want them to be.

Once I understood how meditation (and my mind) actually worked, then I made real progress in life. I let go of how I thought my life (and meditation practice) was supposed to look and started to work with how it actually was.

I think we can all understand sometimes we are living in an altered perception of reality, often unconsciously. Meditation makes you conscious of the unconscious and puts you in touch with reality. Only from a real point of experience could we move forward meaningfully and truly progress in life. ♥️

What have you realized from your meditation practice?


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