The most important part of your meditation practice you don’t even know about…

Did you know that when you first sit down to meditate, you’re actually not meditating.

You’re actually in the preparation phase, preparing to meditate.

This part of your meditation practice is often not given the proper attention it deserves or is easily overlooked.

However, it’s a crucial part to master so you can experience the deeper stages of meditation and get all the wonderful benefits.

Below, I break down the important parts of the preparation phase:  

—> First, find a comfortable position to ensure the body is at ease. Keep length in the spine and put a cushion mid-back to provide ample support for the back

—> Next, bring attention to the BREATH, making it steady and soothing to calm the mind and de-stress the nervous system. When I guide meditation sessions, we breathe consciously for a few minutes settling the energy

—> Last, we use meditation techniques, like mudra, inner points of awareness and so on to strengthen FOCUS and CONCENTRATION

NOW, our meditation practice is SET UP FOR SUCCESS. NOW, we are ready to meditate.

The preparation phase lasts about 3-5 minutes but makes a HUGE impact on your practice. I highly recommend taking the time to prepare for your meditation practice or you will not achieve the results you’re looking for.

Do you have a preparation phase for your meditation practice? 

Hi, I’m Rebecca! Meditation Coach and Mindfulness Mentor 👋🏻 Learn how to set your meditation practice up for success and join my upcoming online free workshop on Feb 18th, 10am. Click HERE to sign up and get all the details!


Learn how to meditate! Join the Free Online Meditation Workshop - Feb 18th. 10am - 11:30am


How a Regular Meditation Practice Can Change Your Life.